Monday 21 November 2011

Ways we are going to Promote our film

Promoting our independent film 'Killing Between the Lines' is going to be one of the most important parts in the entire production. Trying to make our promotion low and as no costing as possible. I don't wish for us to outsource our film to a marketing and distributing company because no one will have more enthusiasm and passion to sell our film to our audience than US!

Different ideas to promote our film

Social Media - Such as Facebook. Twitter will help promote our film if we get positive feedback from celebrities.
Video Marketing
Email Marketing
Integrated Partnerships (Such as working with different businesses) E.g.: McDonalds however due to our film's genre of a psychological thriller I can't vision any toys being inside an happy meal.
Billboards in big cities Eg.: Manchester

We will defiantly want to use Facebook because it has approximately 800 million therefore if we use mouth-to-mouth communication this could spread quickly and become an overnight success.

We would love to get an integrated Partnerships however realistically this will be difficult to accomplish, therefore eye-catching billboards, posters and a radio advert will all give a wide variety to target our audience.

I would like to do something big and different to promote our film to make it stand out such as perhaps, making a toy, or a competition prize however this may be out of our depth and due to time constraints and not enough people working in our group this might not be produced.

However, you never know....

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