Friday 4 November 2011

Questionnaire Feedback

Craig Brookes.

What is your occupation?


What is your age?


Have you previously seen any short films?

No Sorry

If Yes; what interested you in those films?

What is your opinion on the plot of the film?

It's sound excellent really looking forward to it!

What do you think of the character of Andrew Francis and do you think he is a
believable serial killer?

He sounds dark and believable

We have given the film of 15; do you agree or disagree?


What genre of films do you enjoy the most?

1) Action

Is the film appropriate to its genre?

Yes, I think so.

Where would you expect this film to be displayed?

Notice boards, Bill Board, Posters, Magazines, that sorta thing.

Are there any films you have seen which are similar to our film?

Yes but I can't remember their names haha!

What kind of music and sound effects would you expect in a psychological thriller?

Any sort of music can add to the film. Carefully chosen, plus usual, bangs screams

Would you be interested in seeing our film?

Yeah sure, why not!?

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