Monday 21 November 2011

Competition Prize Idea

This could be a perfect way to promote our film because it will get our film company name out to the public. They will get the chance to win a prize within our budget and create interest.

We could announce the competition in our radio advert because millions of people listen to it and we will get two promotional techniques for the price of one.

They could text the answer because its the quickest and easiest approach for the public, making it nice and simple for them to enter.

The Question is as follows:

What name is the independent film company that produced 'Killing Between the Lines?'

A: Psych Films
B: Bike Fims
C: Maniac Films

The reason for this is to get the key concepts of what we wanted out to the public:
1.) The films name
2.) Our film Company name
This will hopefully get the public to notice our name.

Making the question easy is simple, because if we made it difficult no-one will enter it and get less interest! Once they send their answer in to our company by texting 'A, B or C' to a 'real' number we will select one lucky winner at random.

The prize giveaway will be a Brand new Kindle curtesy of Amazon for £89 with a £10 free voucher to buy the books of their choice. Because our film is related to the theme of books. We feel as though this prize is a good incentive to enter the competition and makes them interested in films, including more of ours in the future.

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