Tuesday 8 November 2011

Audience feedback-written

1. What is your occupation?
- Student
2. What is your age?
- 17
3. Have you previously seen any short films?
- yes
4. If yes; What interested you in those films?
- short and interesting
5. Do you think our film would work well as a short film?
- yes
6. What is your opinion on the plot of the film?
- interesting
7. What do you think of the character of Andrew Francis and do you think he is a believable serial killer?
-  Probably
8. We have given the film a rating of 15; do you agree or disagree?
- it depends how graphic it is

9. What genre of thriller films do you enjoy the most?
  • Action
  • Crime
  • Psychological
  • Conspiracy
  • Other (please state) - horror
10. Is the film appropriate to its genre?
- yes
11. Where would you expect this film to be displayed?
- youtube and cannes
12. Are there any films you have seen which are similar to our film?
- The Departed
13. What kind of music and sound effects would you expect in a psychological thriller?
- Scary tense music
14. Would you be interested in seeing our film?
- yes
This feedback shows that our film does what it intends to - interest and stays to the theme of a thriller. It shows that our film is correctly rated as we don't plan to make it too graphic anyway. It also gives insight into which kind of music we would use and where we could exhibit the film. Due to noted similarities to The Departed, which gives us ideas and we could delve into that film for various ideas i.e. lighting, shots, cinematography, mise en scene etc. Ultimately, the person we questioned would be interested in seeing the film which is very promising. With the other audience feedback and similarities in the answers we have found an audience in college students around 16-18 though we feel a slightly older audience would feel interest in the film too.

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