Thursday 24 November 2011

Shooting script

Here is the list of shots we will need for the overall film. These may be altered depending on how well the shot works with the film, but here is a list of what we aim to adhere to.

Shooting day 1.

Location: Study room

Shots needed:

First scene

Medium shot (Panning of the room)
Establishing shot (shows Andrew at a desk)
Angled shot of Andrew at desk
Close up of diary
Close up Andrew
Angled shot of Andrew
Close up diary
Close up Andrew
Medium shot angle (writing in diary)
Close up of diary
Close up of Andrew
Medium shot of Andrew at desk
Close up of diary
Close up of Andrew

Title sequence

Final scene - Maria

Location: Kitchen/outside house

Shots needed:

Establishing shot of Andrew walking to the house
Medium side shot of Andrew
Close up of putting keys in the door
Medium close up of his back
close up of opening door
Medium close up of opening the door
Reverse of door opening - medium close up
(with camera movement as Andrew walks past)
Medium close up


Shooting day 2.

Location: Alhambra

Shots needed:
Establish shot (girl walking towards tunnel)
Angled medium shot (girl)
Close up behind the girl turning around)
Medium shot of girl (turns around)
Angle medium shot
Medium shot of girl
Medium close up of brick being raised
Close up of brick being raised (camera movement)
Medium close up of girl
Close up of brick


Shooting day 3.

Location: Ginnel, East Gate street

Shots needed:

Establishing shot of Eastgate street
Angle shot of girl walking
Close up of girl
Medium close up of turning into ginnel
Establish shot of ginnel
Medium close up of girl (side)
Close up of girl ( side angle)
Medium shot behind girl
Close up of hand on shoulder
Close up of girl turning around
Medium close up of girl turning around
Medium close up of hitting the girl (figure is off shot and can only see the hands)
Close up of the girl
Medium close up
Close up camera movement upwards
Long shot of figure
Medium close up of kicking
Close up of kicking
Long shot of figure
Medium shot of girl
Close up of the girl with camera movement

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