Monday 28 November 2011

Reconstruction of Ending

1.) When Andrew picks up the can of Cherry aide there is a shot of his legs turning around and the can of pop falls to the floor and spills out with no sound!

2.) It then cuts to the study base with Maria Francis reading the diary.

3.) It goes back to Andrew with a shot of his face turning around.

4.) Cuts back to the study base of her still reading the diary, flicking the pages

5.) Cuts back to a POV shot of Andrew turning to face Maria with the gun in her hand

6.) Cuts back to maria writing in the diary

7.) Cuts back to the sound effect of the gun shot showing Andrew dropping his can and then falls to the ground.

8.) Shows Andrew on the ground, dead.

9.) Shows a flashback of Maria putting pills in Andrew's drink and giving it to Andrew in the living room.

10.) Cuts back to the study base of Maria putting the book away on the shelf. With a voice over of her saying, "My stupid husband... 'Oblivious to everything.'


These are the amendments of the ending of our film, we both feel that this gives a more effective and dramatic ending to the film and creates much more suspense than the previous twist which is ideal for a film of the thriller genre. We chose to end the film with the tagline 'Oblivious to everything' this is because we plan to build our marketing campaign to this tagline, similarly to The Dark Knights' 'Why so serious?' tagline. This will also allow the audience to realise why we have emphasised the tagline so much as it refers to her husband being oblivious to the fact it is actually her wife committing the murders rather than Andrew.

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