Monday 19 September 2011

Sub Genre: Action Research

For our sub genre of action I have decided to look at a few clips to give myself a few idea's on what we could include in our own.

The clip starts with a shot reverse-shot the camera over the dectives shoulder, then over Jason Bourne. The music just before the fight is non-diagetic and the camera appears to be hiding behind Jason, suggesting he's strong and dangerous to the audience.The camera pans in for an extreme close up just before the fight also.

Analysing the clip the fights are extremly fast paced with the camera really becoming shaky, jagged, disoreintated and out of focus. The non-diagetic music gets louder to give the audience more of a 'thrill' and excitment.

It gives a vast amount of different camera shots including:
High angle
Low angle
Shot-reverse shot
A great amount of over the shoulder shots
Some extreme close-ups (On the knife for example)

The camera's composistion is very wild and to give the realism of how frantic a fight can be, this makes the audience feel 'involved.' The sound effects also had to this effect hugely making it convincingly realistic.

Analysing various films such as The Jason Bourne Triliogy and James Bond they seem very similiar except the protoganist takes a bad turn in the film which leads to dangerous scene fights, killings for to escape from something threatning.

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