Thursday 15 September 2011

Film brief: Idea 1 draft 1

A man suffers from an accident which prevents him from continuing his job and is therefore made redundant. However, he feels he has been treated unfairly as he is not paid any package or given a new role.
A new character appears to be a consultant, who says he can help the man get his life back on track. Though the man finds the whole situation confusing, they become friends.
However, he soon realises the difference in personality and the consultant reveals his violent, psychopathic ways through murder and attacks.
The main character attempts to escape the consultant guy, but realises he can't and cannot understand why. The man tries to shoot the consultant, but this has no effect. He soon realises that this consultant is not a real person and just part of his imagination and realises it was actually him who attacked and killed those people.

The genre of this film would be a psychological thriller, as it keeps the audience in suspense and do not fully understand what happens until the end of the film.

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