Tuesday 27 September 2011

Character Profiles

Name: Andrew Francis
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Occupation: Office Clerk

Andrew Clerk is unsatisfied wit his life, wife and overall value of it. A few months ago he turned to a life of severe depression and to get back on the people in his life and society as a whole he went on a wild killing spree, killing many woman who he feels have treated him unfairly; soon killing random woman for no reason showing he has turned unstable and extremely dangerous.

He has been fired from three previous degrading jobs roles increasing his unstable behaviour, he had a troubled upbringing throughout his life; been bullied at school a violent home life and going through a trauma when he reached his teens. He got very few qualifications. He still feels degraded and looked down by everyone around him, he wishes to get deep revenge.

Very little in his life.

More or else everyone
His job

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