Tuesday 20 September 2011

Part of a Short Film Analysis

I would like to look at a short film based on the same genre as ours to yet again gather more inspiration for our thriller film. Looking at the same features of camera movement, composition, shots and all the different elements of mise-en-scene. I want to look at 'amateur' filmers work on this to get an on how we should produce our film.



The short film starts with non-diagetic music that sounds rather spooky to the audience already setting the mood and tension on what the film is going to be like. The location seems to be set in an abonded warehouse with dark lighting to create suspense. The camera shows a medium shot of a locked dark box which creates mystery for the audience. There is lighting shining on the box suggesting there's something important in there to the viewer. The camera slowly pans in on the box as the camera fades to the next shot.

Non-diagetic music ceases. The camera now shows a medium shot and diagetic sound of the door opening. The prop of the torch shows to the audience they have come looking for something. The all black clothes the three men are wearing suggest to the audience they are going to steal something. The composition of the man stood in the centre of the shot show to the audience who the main 'protagonist?' is. Furthermore when he hits the man on his right using a sound effect shows he's the main dominant leader. Another point is the man on the right snatches his torch out of his hands, suggesting to the audience he is seen as the weakest of the gang. Analysing the 'weaker' character further this is illustrated more by the fact, the composistion of his body keeps slightly leaving the shot as the camera slowly pans back as the characters follow the cameras movements.

(unfortuatly I coudn't work out the dialogue but the tone of it suggests to the audience they are brutal and tough)

Diagetic sound of apparently the door closing as the camera cuts to a close up shot of the three, from behind, compostioned from the waist up. The camera follows there movemnts until eventually they stop and the camera quickly pans down to the box we saw at the beginning, following there eye movement. The camera cuts to a low angle shot of the three men as the main character orders the weaker man to get something, "Quickly" showing the narrative to the audience that they have limited time to do something. The weaker character runs out of view of the shot. Has the main man neals down to the box the camera swiftly follows him, leaving the composition of the man on the left half out of the shot. This may suggest he's less important to the audience. The camera then cuts to a close up of the man's hand with non- diagetic music of a sharp deep tone suggesting to the audience it's building up to somethig big and his hand has significance on opening the box.

The non-diagetic sound now stops as the camera cuts to the previous shot as the man places his hand on the box and lifts the lid. The audience will see the man's expression change looking confused. Everything appears to freeze for a split second to leave audience on 'the edge of there seats' and to lead them into uncertainty. It is quickly revieled as we hear the door shut and someone say in the same amera shot, "Looking for an empty box?" The audience now knows there is a big twist to happen as they eargley watch. The man shuts the box and sighs showing a 'restrictive narrative' that the character knows more than the audience at this point.

The camera now cuts to the man from behind as it pans upwards when the man drastically gets up, turns and shines the light towards the camera in a medium shot. The same non-diagetic music comes in again to create tension as the man turns around. The weaker character shows more of his chaacterstics as he hides behind the main man. As the camera cuts to a medium shot the music gets louder as it is revieled no-one is stood there. This all creates tension for the audience asking the question 'Who's there?' engaging and exciting.

The non-diagetic music gets louder as the camera cuts to a point of view shot of someone
hiding behind an object. This creates deeper suspense, wondering who's perspective are we seeing?
The camera is slightly shaky to get a realistic look.

The camera cuts to a medium shot of the weaker character acting scared and the dominant character telling him (now the weaker character known as - ) " Brad, shutup." The non-diagetic tense music now gets much louder as the camera cuts to a point of view shot and an dark orange filter. The coloured filter will suggest to the audience the character is threatning and dangerous. The camera is compostioned to the other two characters waist down suggesting something is sneaking along the floor. The camera quickly and shakily pans closely towards them as the camera pans up to a close up of the dominant character, with a quick cut to a medium close-up of Brad looking puzzled. The sound effect which sounds like something has attacked him. This wiill create extreme suspense, even terror for the audience at this point.

The non-diagetic music continues to get louder as the camera cuts to a low-shot which the camera compistioned hidden behind Brad's legs as we see the man squirming looking as though something is taking over him.) The camera compistion will suggest to the audience that something extremly dangerous is going to happen and they will need to hide. The camera cuts back to a medium shot of Brad still looking confused perhaps suggesting he's too frightened to run? The camera cuts to a shot-reverse-shot behind Brad's legs once more as the non-diagetic music gets louder and the man on the floor squirms more uncontrollably. Then back to the medium shot of brad at one stage looking upset as if he has accepted the worse.

The camera now cuts to a medium shot of the man laid lifeless on the floor, compostioned with his back to the camera. The loud tense, non-diagetic music has now stopped much like the man's movement. The will create tension for the audience with the music now ceasing and the silence. The man gets up off the floor as the camera cuts back into the same medium shot of Brad; as the tense non-diagetic music comes back into action, a really high dark tone suggesting danger is about to occur. This will make the audience frightened. Brad speaks, "John?" The camera cuts to a medium shot of John cracking his neck from side to side (sound effect) with Brad repeating, "John you okay man?" The audience will be preparing bracing themselves as they can sense a climax is about to happen.

The camera now shows medium and over the shoulder shots; with shaky, jaggered movement of Brad stumbling away from John. The non-diagetic music appears to be getting louder. The camera cuts to a close up of Brad, when John hits him and knocks him out using another sound effect. The music stops and Brad falls out of the composition of the camera has the movement dosen't change. This will create excitment and action for the audience to be 'biting their nails.'

By analysing a part of this short film I have noticed that creating tension and suspense by using non-diagetic music plays a big part in the thriller genre. Fast camera movement and composition can play a big part in the audiences mood of excitment uncertainty and fear. The locations aswell I have analysed seem very dark and mysterious. These are several things we wish to bring into our film and audience.

I woud'nt want to analyse the full short film as I felt I have already enough information to carry on with my project.

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