Thursday 15 September 2011

Film idea 2

My second idea for our thriller film is

A Quick Death Wish

The film shows a subjective narrative however this will be in a linear chronological order throughout. Also the narrative will also be restrictive to create suspense and shock, making it more engaging.

The setting is based in Venice Italy

Where Mr. Hames our main bad guy is sat in the backseat of his limo when in a sudden shock a bullet fly's through his window narrowly missing his head. The car swerves and comes to a stop. The one who fired the bullet from a rooftop was Zakolou Hatchi, a gangster war is on!

On the way back home to Zakolou's hideout he trips on a wire releasing the trap of some sharp daggers which come swinging towards him, he ducks just in time.

Zakolou sends Hames a letter telling him to meet him at midnight for a showdown. The ending shows
them in slow motion with different camera effects showing tension they both draw there guns and shoot at the same time.
They are both dead, the camera fades to darkness.

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