Wednesday 21 September 2011

Research on a Similiar Film: The Theme

Since we are basing our film around 'books' I have decided to look at a theme very much similiar to this analysing parts of the film, 'Prospero's Books.' (1991) on DVD directed by Peter Greenaway. Prospero the main protoganist, uses off screen subjective naration throughout.

Dramatic tense starting to get the audience in a tense mood. With the continous close-up shot of the water dripping to add to the mood. Giving the impression to the audience it's so tense, u can hear water dripping. Als0 the main theme of the film 'books' is shown throughout the start to let the audience know the type of plot.

After watching the film I have noticed the same elements of non-diagetic tense music to create the right mood for the audience. The lighting in parts is extremly dark however I am suprised to see a film based on a 15th century shakespear play, 'The Tempest.' to be told in a simple linear, chronological order. Perhaps the simplier the film is told the more it will appeal to our audience. Based on the themes in the film being books, terror and betryal along with the othe researched I have gathered has given me great inspiration; to finally give a full depth description of our film and the variety of themes we wish to include.

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