Tuesday 20 September 2011

Opening title Research

Looking at different thriller opening titles will give us great ideas on how to produce our own and help the film have a sense of realism with the rest of the media industry and genre.

North by NorthWest (1959)


Looking at the opening titles of this film compares to the same way 'The Hit List' begins very similarly. The camera has a coloured background with stripes/swerves swiftly coming into the screen. With actors names appearing on the screen in a urban style font in the same colour white.' This is also an animation. However these titles change the background, as the camera fades to show busy traffic and citizens in a city looking really hectic. This lets the audience know the location of the film quickly. However in these opening titles the music seems more classical with a fast rythmn perhaps to resemble the busy city.

A modern day thriller 'Catch Me If you Can' (2002) shows a similar idea with black silhouettes, a coloured background and colour rising into the screen to show actors and the director name. Also having different objects wiping out different names as it moves across the screen.
The music in this one again is fast paced and quick to connote to the film title, 'Catch Me If You Can'

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