Tuesday 20 September 2011

Narrative Research

A narrative is a certain format wether it's a video game, song, television or film, that describes fictional or a non fictional plot. An important aspect of this is narrative mode used to tell the narrative through narration. It can show a chain of events such as, cause, effect and relationship.
There are four discourse techniques that can be used in narration:

Exposition - is the fictional writing mode for getting across information.
Description - This sends a imagine to the audience of a story.
Argumentation - How the audience can reach a logical conclusion through logical reasoning
Narrative - A cinematic plot used to create a story to the audience.

The narration we hopefully intend to use is 'narrative' using a linear temporal order.
There can be inferred events in narration meaning the events are told but not shown. For example Temporal space, meaning locations are not shown. Or the opposite, explicit material.

We intend to use restrictive narrative meaning the audience knows what the audience knows; rather than using unrestricted narrative, where the audience knows more than any of the characters.

We may use both depths of narrative
Objective - Observes what characters do.
Subjectives Shows the audience the characters thoughts and voiceovers, possibly point of view shots.

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