Thursday 29 September 2011

Short film analysis

This film is a psychological thriller with film noir aspects. It tells the story of a girl who has been tied up and kidnapped. At the time there's a serial killer and it's assumed that the kidnapper is the killer, this is implied through a Newspaper at the beginning. It is revealed that the man is just pranking the girl. He lets her go and she has a gun, she shoots the man and it is revealed that she is the serial killer.

Use of Shots/movement
The first shot used is a close up of a snow globe, it then fades and shows a close up of the girl's feet. It then fades to black and then the camera pans across the desk, it then pans again in a different position to a picture of a man and a ring on a chain. It then goes to a close up of the girls's hands which are tied up. These shots are to give the audience an idea what is happening and builds up tension, especially with the close up of the girl with hands tied up. There is a close up of the girls face who has a bandana around her mouth, which is obviously to keep her quiet. This adds further tension.
There is use of longer shots which establish the location and situation, i.e. that the man has the girl captive. There are high angle shots on the girl and low angle shots on the man to further emphasise that the man is in control of the situation. `
This shows a close up of the girl to reveal emotion

There is camera movement to follow the man's movement around the chair where the girl is, always close up on his face. It often returns to a close up of the girl's face to show her reaction and emotion when she is speaking.

As there are only two characters within the film, the shots usually just have one person in them, however when there are both characters in the same shot they are both usually centred. The man is usually higher than the girl as he is stood up and she's sat in a chair. This shows the man's authority over the girl for the most part of the film.

These images show that both characters are in the image, in the first image the man is in the forefront because he is the dominating character, he is also stood up whilst the girl is tied in the chair which adds to his power status and domination over the girl.

This is an image of only the girl in the image she is on a lower level than the male, often it is only he head that is framed in the picture, this is to show her reaction. The close-ups are used to add suspense and show reaction because of it's thriller genre.

 This is a close up of the male who is the dominating character at this point. This is used to show his reactions and is often sniggering which further adds to his dominance over the girl who is whimpering.

 This is the start of the turing point in the film, the girl is freed and the guy is sat down, the girl is just to the left of the man shadowed, this is to add more mystery and suspense and the guy is in the full light to show full attention is on him.
The girl is stood up and subverts the power over the guy who is sat down, she pulls out the gun to reveal she was fully in control of the situation all along.

There is non diagetic sound at the beginning of dialling a phone, this is to go with the title 'Prank Call'. There is other non diagetic music throughout the film to show eeriness. This is to give the idea that there is a horror sense to the film, it also builds up suspense with the audience and creates tension. It is low and slow placed which is continual through the film.

Mise en scene
The man is wearing a cowboy hat and other cowboy style clothing such as his shirt, jeans and belt which reveals that he is probably a southern state North American.  As there is sand or something similar on the floor it is probably located in a barn to go with the Cowboy theme.

The film is completely in black and white as it is a film noir. However, there is use of shadowing i.e. where one side of the man's face is shadowed while the other isn't, this reveals two sides. At first he is shown as keeping her captive and it is assumed he is the serial killer, however it is later revealed it is in fact the girl who is the killer.

Shadow effect on one side of the face, shows he has two sides

Our new film logo

We have changed our film logo to 'Psyche films' with the diagram of a knife to connote our thriller film. The black background adds to this adding a suitable colour to our dark, tense film.


Duration: 5minutes

Audience: Those interested in a psychological/crime thrillers and also suitable for those who enjoy films with neo-noir aspects. Rated 15 due to imitable violent behaviour though mostly implied violence.
Anyone above this age may find this enjoyable, though a student audience may find it most appealing.

Resume: Andrew Francis is an unstable man and is socially detached. He has a wife who does not suspect his violent killer side. He keeps details of his murders in a diary, which he records with great detail.  His wife notices odd things with his behaviour, but could never imagine the truth to his darker side. In one instance he poses as a plumber to get into a woman's house. She shows him to the bathroom where he attacks her, pusher her head towards the toilet and shoots her in the back of the head. During this murder, it cuts back to him writing his diary with subject narration. He returns home late to his wife and she falls for his excuses. He sees a person walking down an alleyway one day/night and follows them, he shoots them in the leg and walks to the person writhing on the floor, it cuts as he's about to hit the person with his gun. It then cuts back to him describing the murder in greater detail in his diary. The next day he enters his home, presumingly coming home from work. His wife is stood in the kitchen with his gun pointed to his head, Andrew looks bemused to this and she pulls the trigger. Then it cuts to a flashback of his wife reading Andrew's diary to reveal why she killed her husband.

Suggested elements:

a) Sin City like black and white effect

b) Narration

c) Colour filters

d) Unexpected twist

e) Sound effects

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Character Profiles

Name: Lee Bains
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Occupation: N/A

Lee bains was murdered by Andrew Francis on 23rd May 2011 because he treated Andrew 'unfairly' at work, as his boss. She was seen as a stronger, dominant personality to Andrew. She got murdered in the bathroom as his second killing.

Name: Laura May
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Occupation: N/A

Laura may was also murdered by Andrew just for speaking to him on the street telling him to get out of the way because she was in a rush to work. his shows Andrew's health now extremely unstable and dangerous. His random killing spree of woman has begun. He murders her down the alleyway at the side of the citrus room.

Character Profiles

Name: Maria Francis
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Occupation: Counsellor

Maria Francis met Andrew when he came to her to help him deal with his depression, they ended up falling in love due to there close friendship and help Andrew desperately needed. They became husband and wife a year later. Maria became interested in counselling when she developed her own health problems; eventually overcoming these and now wants to help other people. She is much smarter than Andrew but wishes to keep him safe and happy.

She does however feel a lot of stress and pressure put on her at times though by andrew and feels at desperate times that she wants to escape him. She does feel threatened at times by Andrews anger and frustration at his life; becoming upset when Andrew doesn't value what he already has, including maria. At times she she feels weak and powerless compared to Andrew. She loves having fun and partying and always see's a silver lining to everything. It seems that opposites attract.
Partying, fun
Keeping her husband happy

Her husbands down grading attitude
How Andrew sometimes treats her
Andrews dominant attitude
Her own 'stable health'

Character Profiles

Name: Andrew Francis
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Occupation: Office Clerk

Andrew Clerk is unsatisfied wit his life, wife and overall value of it. A few months ago he turned to a life of severe depression and to get back on the people in his life and society as a whole he went on a wild killing spree, killing many woman who he feels have treated him unfairly; soon killing random woman for no reason showing he has turned unstable and extremely dangerous.

He has been fired from three previous degrading jobs roles increasing his unstable behaviour, he had a troubled upbringing throughout his life; been bullied at school a violent home life and going through a trauma when he reached his teens. He got very few qualifications. He still feels degraded and looked down by everyone around him, he wishes to get deep revenge.

Very little in his life.

More or else everyone
His job

Final film idea

The main character, Andrew Francis, is a serial killer that is obsessed and self-confessed as being addicted to killing. His wife, Maria Francis, does not suspect he's a serial killer, but notices things that shows socially detached symptoms and becomes increasingly wary.  He keeps a diary that gives great details of how he kills these people. He usually uses a gun, but also describes other ways he has killed before in subject narration through his diary. He believes he can never been caught, no record of the murders have ever come back to him, but one day after a murder his wife shoots him dead. After, it reveals in a flashback that his wife has found and read his diary and shows her disgust and distress at it, ultimately showing why she killed her husband.

Monday 26 September 2011

Similar themes of 'black and white' films

A film which has great inspiration for us both to create a 'silent film' is the 1995 film 'Sin City' this thriller mixes different mise-en scene of coloured filters, mixed with action and the similar cinematography we wish to use.

Title Ideas

Killing Between the Lines
Death from a Page
Silent Reading
Reading to kill
The Book
Book of terrors
Black and White Paperback.

We have decided to create a film a not completely 'Black and White, Silent Film' with still some mise-en-scene; dialogue, sound and parts of colour to create a suspense, intriguing and intense thriller' We have decided to use this idea because it will be unique to the audience. We feel has though to will be very effective making it exciting and still creating mystery into our film; by using the theme of 'books'

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Research on a Similiar Film: The Theme

Since we are basing our film around 'books' I have decided to look at a theme very much similiar to this analysing parts of the film, 'Prospero's Books.' (1991) on DVD directed by Peter Greenaway. Prospero the main protoganist, uses off screen subjective naration throughout.

Dramatic tense starting to get the audience in a tense mood. With the continous close-up shot of the water dripping to add to the mood. Giving the impression to the audience it's so tense, u can hear water dripping. Als0 the main theme of the film 'books' is shown throughout the start to let the audience know the type of plot.

After watching the film I have noticed the same elements of non-diagetic tense music to create the right mood for the audience. The lighting in parts is extremly dark however I am suprised to see a film based on a 15th century shakespear play, 'The Tempest.' to be told in a simple linear, chronological order. Perhaps the simplier the film is told the more it will appeal to our audience. Based on the themes in the film being books, terror and betryal along with the othe researched I have gathered has given me great inspiration; to finally give a full depth description of our film and the variety of themes we wish to include.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Part of a Short Film Analysis

I would like to look at a short film based on the same genre as ours to yet again gather more inspiration for our thriller film. Looking at the same features of camera movement, composition, shots and all the different elements of mise-en-scene. I want to look at 'amateur' filmers work on this to get an on how we should produce our film.


The short film starts with non-diagetic music that sounds rather spooky to the audience already setting the mood and tension on what the film is going to be like. The location seems to be set in an abonded warehouse with dark lighting to create suspense. The camera shows a medium shot of a locked dark box which creates mystery for the audience. There is lighting shining on the box suggesting there's something important in there to the viewer. The camera slowly pans in on the box as the camera fades to the next shot.

Non-diagetic music ceases. The camera now shows a medium shot and diagetic sound of the door opening. The prop of the torch shows to the audience they have come looking for something. The all black clothes the three men are wearing suggest to the audience they are going to steal something. The composition of the man stood in the centre of the shot show to the audience who the main 'protagonist?' is. Furthermore when he hits the man on his right using a sound effect shows he's the main dominant leader. Another point is the man on the right snatches his torch out of his hands, suggesting to the audience he is seen as the weakest of the gang. Analysing the 'weaker' character further this is illustrated more by the fact, the composistion of his body keeps slightly leaving the shot as the camera slowly pans back as the characters follow the cameras movements.

(unfortuatly I coudn't work out the dialogue but the tone of it suggests to the audience they are brutal and tough)

Diagetic sound of apparently the door closing as the camera cuts to a close up shot of the three, from behind, compostioned from the waist up. The camera follows there movemnts until eventually they stop and the camera quickly pans down to the box we saw at the beginning, following there eye movement. The camera cuts to a low angle shot of the three men as the main character orders the weaker man to get something, "Quickly" showing the narrative to the audience that they have limited time to do something. The weaker character runs out of view of the shot. Has the main man neals down to the box the camera swiftly follows him, leaving the composition of the man on the left half out of the shot. This may suggest he's less important to the audience. The camera then cuts to a close up of the man's hand with non- diagetic music of a sharp deep tone suggesting to the audience it's building up to somethig big and his hand has significance on opening the box.

The non-diagetic sound now stops as the camera cuts to the previous shot as the man places his hand on the box and lifts the lid. The audience will see the man's expression change looking confused. Everything appears to freeze for a split second to leave audience on 'the edge of there seats' and to lead them into uncertainty. It is quickly revieled as we hear the door shut and someone say in the same amera shot, "Looking for an empty box?" The audience now knows there is a big twist to happen as they eargley watch. The man shuts the box and sighs showing a 'restrictive narrative' that the character knows more than the audience at this point.

The camera now cuts to the man from behind as it pans upwards when the man drastically gets up, turns and shines the light towards the camera in a medium shot. The same non-diagetic music comes in again to create tension as the man turns around. The weaker character shows more of his chaacterstics as he hides behind the main man. As the camera cuts to a medium shot the music gets louder as it is revieled no-one is stood there. This all creates tension for the audience asking the question 'Who's there?' engaging and exciting.

The non-diagetic music gets louder as the camera cuts to a point of view shot of someone
hiding behind an object. This creates deeper suspense, wondering who's perspective are we seeing?
The camera is slightly shaky to get a realistic look.

The camera cuts to a medium shot of the weaker character acting scared and the dominant character telling him (now the weaker character known as - ) " Brad, shutup." The non-diagetic tense music now gets much louder as the camera cuts to a point of view shot and an dark orange filter. The coloured filter will suggest to the audience the character is threatning and dangerous. The camera is compostioned to the other two characters waist down suggesting something is sneaking along the floor. The camera quickly and shakily pans closely towards them as the camera pans up to a close up of the dominant character, with a quick cut to a medium close-up of Brad looking puzzled. The sound effect which sounds like something has attacked him. This wiill create extreme suspense, even terror for the audience at this point.

The non-diagetic music continues to get louder as the camera cuts to a low-shot which the camera compistioned hidden behind Brad's legs as we see the man squirming looking as though something is taking over him.) The camera compistion will suggest to the audience that something extremly dangerous is going to happen and they will need to hide. The camera cuts back to a medium shot of Brad still looking confused perhaps suggesting he's too frightened to run? The camera cuts to a shot-reverse-shot behind Brad's legs once more as the non-diagetic music gets louder and the man on the floor squirms more uncontrollably. Then back to the medium shot of brad at one stage looking upset as if he has accepted the worse.

The camera now cuts to a medium shot of the man laid lifeless on the floor, compostioned with his back to the camera. The loud tense, non-diagetic music has now stopped much like the man's movement. The will create tension for the audience with the music now ceasing and the silence. The man gets up off the floor as the camera cuts back into the same medium shot of Brad; as the tense non-diagetic music comes back into action, a really high dark tone suggesting danger is about to occur. This will make the audience frightened. Brad speaks, "John?" The camera cuts to a medium shot of John cracking his neck from side to side (sound effect) with Brad repeating, "John you okay man?" The audience will be preparing bracing themselves as they can sense a climax is about to happen.

The camera now shows medium and over the shoulder shots; with shaky, jaggered movement of Brad stumbling away from John. The non-diagetic music appears to be getting louder. The camera cuts to a close up of Brad, when John hits him and knocks him out using another sound effect. The music stops and Brad falls out of the composition of the camera has the movement dosen't change. This will create excitment and action for the audience to be 'biting their nails.'

By analysing a part of this short film I have noticed that creating tension and suspense by using non-diagetic music plays a big part in the thriller genre. Fast camera movement and composition can play a big part in the audiences mood of excitment uncertainty and fear. The locations aswell I have analysed seem very dark and mysterious. These are several things we wish to bring into our film and audience.

I woud'nt want to analyse the full short film as I felt I have already enough information to carry on with my project.

Film research - Se7en

I chose to use the American thriller Se7en to research from, it also uses elements from horror and neo-noir genres which is often the case with many thrillers. Though our film will mainly focus on the elements and themes from psychological thrillers, I thought it was well worth a look at.

This film is centred around a serial killer who murders his victims in the ways of the seven deadly sins. In this particular extract he is represented as the capital sin "Sloth". He is represented as sloth because he is a lazy, drug dealer who earns money from doing very little.

This relates to our film, as the killer murders his victim in various ways rather than just the run of the mill murders. 

Opening title Research

Looking at different thriller opening titles will give us great ideas on how to produce our own and help the film have a sense of realism with the rest of the media industry and genre.

North by NorthWest (1959)

Looking at the opening titles of this film compares to the same way 'The Hit List' begins very similarly. The camera has a coloured background with stripes/swerves swiftly coming into the screen. With actors names appearing on the screen in a urban style font in the same colour white.' This is also an animation. However these titles change the background, as the camera fades to show busy traffic and citizens in a city looking really hectic. This lets the audience know the location of the film quickly. However in these opening titles the music seems more classical with a fast rythmn perhaps to resemble the busy city.

A modern day thriller 'Catch Me If you Can' (2002) shows a similar idea with black silhouettes, a coloured background and colour rising into the screen to show actors and the director name. Also having different objects wiping out different names as it moves across the screen.
The music in this one again is fast paced and quick to connote to the film title, 'Catch Me If You Can'

Psychological thriller themes

There have been many Psychological thrillers in various media i.e. film, literature, television and radio, more notably since the turn of the 1990s-present. Though there have been many different variations of how they have been represented and how they are plotted, there have been general trends which appear. The most consistent trends include:

Reality - The quality of being real. Characters often try to determine what is true and what is not with the narrative.


In the Matrix, there is reality and the Matrix. It is difficult for the characters to differentiate what is true from what isn't.

Perception - A person's own interpretation of the world around him through his senses. Often characters misperceive the world around them, or their perceptions are altered by outside factors within the narrative.


In Inception, the characters have to use the surroundings to be able to tell whether they are in reality or in fact in Inception. This can change their decisions and may misperceive things due to their subconscious and affects decisions.

Mind - The human consciousness; the location for personality, thought, reason, memory, intelligence and emotion. The mind is often used as a location for narrative conflict, where characters battle their own minds to reach a new understanding or perception.


In the film The Machinist, Trevor's paranoia makes him battle his own mind and he forgets his past due to insomnia. It's only at the end that he realises who he actually is.

Existence/purpose - The object for which something exists; an aim or goal humans strive for to understand their reason of existence. Characters often try to discover what their purpose is in their lives and narrative's conflict often is a way for the characters to discover this purpose.


His purpose is to stop the bomber (Jake Gyllenhaal's character) however, he does not know if he's alive or dead as he's in another person's body. In fact, he is dead but his mind is kept alive in source code

Identity - The definition of one's self. Characters often are confused about or doubt who they are and try to discover their true identity.


In Blade Runner, Deckard is hunting the Blade Runners but doesn't realise that he is actually a replicant too.

Death - the cessation of life. Characters either have fear or fascination with death.


In American psycho, Bateman is obsessed with killing. It becomes part of him in order to fill a vacuum. He shows his fascination with serial killers by quoting Ed Gein.

Psychological thriller- literary devices and techniques

Stream of consciousness - a literary technique which seeks to describe an individual's point of view by giving the written equivalent of the character's though processes. In psychological thrillers, the narrative tries to manifest the character's psyche through word usage, descriptions, or visuals.

First person narrative - a literary technique in which the story is narrated by one or more of the characters., who explicitly refers to themselves in the first person, that is, "I". This direct involvement that the characters have with the story in turn makes the audience more involved with the characters themselves, and thus able to understand the mechanics of the characters' minds. This technique is often paired with the concept of unreliable narrator.

Back story - the history behind the situation extant to the start of the main story. This deepens the psychological aspect of the story since the reader is able to more fully understand the character; more specifically, what the character's motivations are and how his past has shaped his cognitive perceptions.

Narrative Research

A narrative is a certain format wether it's a video game, song, television or film, that describes fictional or a non fictional plot. An important aspect of this is narrative mode used to tell the narrative through narration. It can show a chain of events such as, cause, effect and relationship.
There are four discourse techniques that can be used in narration:

Exposition - is the fictional writing mode for getting across information.
Description - This sends a imagine to the audience of a story.
Argumentation - How the audience can reach a logical conclusion through logical reasoning
Narrative - A cinematic plot used to create a story to the audience.

The narration we hopefully intend to use is 'narrative' using a linear temporal order.
There can be inferred events in narration meaning the events are told but not shown. For example Temporal space, meaning locations are not shown. Or the opposite, explicit material.

We intend to use restrictive narrative meaning the audience knows what the audience knows; rather than using unrestricted narrative, where the audience knows more than any of the characters.

We may use both depths of narrative
Objective - Observes what characters do.
Subjectives Shows the audience the characters thoughts and voiceovers, possibly point of view shots.

Psychological thriller research

Psychological thrillers are is a specific sub-genre of typical horror and thriller genres. They often incorporate features from mystery and drama genre, in addition to typical traits of the thriller genre.

  • Psychological– Elements that are related to the mind or processes of the mind; they are mental rather than physical in nature. Sometimes the suspense comes from within one solitary character where characters must resolve conflicts with their own minds. Usually, this conflict is an effort to understand something that has happened to them. These conflicts are made more vivid with physical expressions of the conflict in the means of either physical manifestations, or physical torsions of the characters at play.
  • Thriller – Generally, thrillers focus on plot over character and thus emphasize intense, physical action over the character's psyche. Psychological thrillers tend to reverse this formula to a certain degree, emphasizing the characters just as much, if not more so, than the plot.
Psychological thriller – Characters are no longer reliant on physical strength to overcome their brutish enemies (which is often the case in typical action-thrillers), but rather are reliant on their mental resources, whether it be by battling wits with a formidable opponent or by battling for equilibrium in the character's own mind. The suspense created by psychological thrillers often comes from two or more characters preying upon one another's minds, either by playing deceptive games with the other or by merely trying to demolish the other's mental state

Monday 19 September 2011

New Film Company Name

Unfortunatly we have had to change our old film company 'Moving Pictures Productions' to a different company name due to our latest film production realeased last month 'Figurene Story' which was apparently already under the copyrights of the film company 'Pixney' we unfortunatly lost the rights to the film and were forced to give away 25% of our film production to the company. However we decided to let them take the full 100% share so we could stay in the independent sector and keep creating masterpiece for 'Dorp Films' and our belevoled fans. We would like to apologise to 'Pixney' for any inconvience caused and we promise to take appropriate action against whoever drafted the film's idea. Therefore we have decided to stay as an independent company now known as 'Moving Picture productions' because we wish to create our own thriller film, hopefully coming to screens later this year.

Now we just need some capital......

Sub Genre: Action Research

For our sub genre of action I have decided to look at a few clips to give myself a few idea's on what we could include in our own.

The clip starts with a shot reverse-shot the camera over the dectives shoulder, then over Jason Bourne. The music just before the fight is non-diagetic and the camera appears to be hiding behind Jason, suggesting he's strong and dangerous to the audience.The camera pans in for an extreme close up just before the fight also.

Analysing the clip the fights are extremly fast paced with the camera really becoming shaky, jagged, disoreintated and out of focus. The non-diagetic music gets louder to give the audience more of a 'thrill' and excitment.

It gives a vast amount of different camera shots including:
High angle
Low angle
Shot-reverse shot
A great amount of over the shoulder shots
Some extreme close-ups (On the knife for example)

The camera's composistion is very wild and to give the realism of how frantic a fight can be, this makes the audience feel 'involved.' The sound effects also had to this effect hugely making it convincingly realistic.

Analysing various films such as The Jason Bourne Triliogy and James Bond they seem very similiar except the protoganist takes a bad turn in the film which leads to dangerous scene fights, killings for to escape from something threatning.

Five Minute Analysis of a Pyscholgical Thriller Film

I decided to look at a different variety of clips based on the genre thriller, including sub genres pyschological, crime and action; to try and re-create the use of lighting and camera movement, shots and composition in our film. Not necessarily the thousands of pounds paid actors skills or highly budget locations for obvious reasons.

'The Hit List' a pyschological thriller (2010) starts with the camera panning over the city by an ariel shot with 'Seattle, NY' compostioned in the left hand-corner, setting the location for the audience. Also with the diagetic sound of traffic coming from the streets as the camera gradually gets closer to the streets. The camera then fades out to an establishing shot of a building, with the composistion of the camera slightly to the left and a close up of the bus quickly passing through the shot.

The camera then fades to inside the building with a close up of a painting making the audience forced to look at the picture. It then pans down in an extreme close up on objects we are not sure on creating uncertainty. The non-diagetic music playing sounds sinister dark and makes a sense of terror and suspense for the audience. It finally pans down to a man laid in bed asleep centrally placed towards the camera. The camera slowly moves closer slowly creating a close up. As the man's eye twitches the non-diagetic music gets louder creating more suspense. The film quickly does a quick sudden flash of green lighting filling up the composistion of the camera, creating shock and greater suspense verging on tension. This would have already have got the audience confused ad uncertain. He is now shown in a close up laid on his side asleep. Quickly flashing back we can now hear gun fire and people shouting (Diagetic?), "Now, go go go..Move!" when it reverts the shot back to him sleeping and his eye twitching the audience now can establish this has a dream, creating mystery. Is it a flashback, or just a dream? The camera then shows an extreme close up of his face, the music now stops. It then switches back to the green light of we assume people in the army screaming "Go go go, now!" It all seems very disoreintated and out of place. A quick close up of the man and perhaps a diagetic sound of a bomb waking the man up. The narrative of the film seems really unclear. The camera then moves to a medium shot of the man getting out of bed and the diagetic sound of the TV (Laptop) as the camera smoothly follows his movements as he sits up out of bed eventually giving the man a side shot. The lightning of the room seems very dark.

The camera then cuts to a close up of the TV, then to a low angle shot of the man suggesting to the audience hes dominant and strong. After coughing into the handerchief he grabs a glass and the bottle of alcohol. It then cuts to a medium close up of him pouring the drink. The alcohol suggets to the audience he has a rough life, perhaps somethings troubling him to drink. The camera then pans up to a side shot of him and cuts to an extreme close up of the TV. Perhaps from his point of view. Hearing the word 'attack' on the TV creates more uncertainty and terror for the audience, even suspense. The camera's movement then slowly pans up and follows his movements to a medium shot of his face, compostioned into the middle of the camera. It then cuts to a over the shoulder shot of him looking out the window. The audience can now clearly gather he is living in a flat.

The camera then cuts to another low angle shot however this one is close up. The lighting is still very much dark all around him. The non-diagetic music now starts again however this one sounds quieter slower and gentler, perhaps to build up to something dramatic. It then cuts to another over the shoulder shot of him watching the TV again. The man reporting the news on the TV says, "You know it and I know it." the camera then cuts to a close up of the man compostioned slightly to the left. He's shaking his head, creating even more suspense and uncertainty for the audience. What could this mean? It then cuts to an extreme close up of the man saying bye on the news with the caption 'Jim's final File: Mrriage = Man+Woman.' this will create extreme suspense, almost 'edge of your seat' for the audience.

It then cuts back to the same low angle shot of the man almost a shot-reverse-shot. He drinks his alcohol as fast racing, action music starts to play. The camera then cuts to the a medium shot of the TV being compostioned more to the right this time. With a chair with clothes on to the left. Pieces of paper drop into a file called 'The O' Bannon Files' on the TV, yet again more uncertainty for the audience. The camera then cuts to a medium shot of him walking out of his bedroom and cuts to a close up of the laptop compostioned slightly to the left. The laptop shows to the audience a map of the world; a man in a suit and the word 'CONFIRM' suggesting to the audience them man is a secret agent of some kind. Reveling little clues steadily.

The non-diagetic music then switches to a more heroic higher pitch tone with the camera cutting to our next location, telling us it's 'Washington DC' compostioned in the left-hand corner again. The camera gives us a massive establishing shot of Washington as the camera slowly pans accross the side of the city in bright daylight. The camera then cuts to a long distance shot of men in suits walking away from the camera in a park, could this suggest to the audience something important is happening, creating suspense. quickly cutting a close up of a statue compostioned to the right, will this have any significance? The camera extremly slowly pans down to long distance shot of a man sat on a bench in a suit. The audience must still be deeply intreigued. It then cuts to an extreme close up of the man putting a plastic bag on the bench.Then sharply cutting to the compistion of the man's waist. With a close up of the man getting his phone out of his pocket when it rings. More suspense is created for the audience, who's ringing, is it important?

Soon cutting to a medium close up of the man from behind hes not central with the camera. The non-diagetic soon changes moods to a tense beaty sound, hopefully making the audience feel the same way. The non-diagetic music stops. He says, "Yeah?" then as the man starts to speak on the other end of the phone, it cuts to him, with a close up. He is wearing a shirt and tie suggesting hes an important character. The room is yet again dark. He says, "Barbra's gone sir. The man replies with This is assignment 'Seattle' what happened?" says the man on the bench. This creates deeper suspense for the audience and uncertainty, with yet again so many unanswered questions but it's starting to sound exciting. The camera then cuts back to the same reverse shot as before to the man on the bench, creating turn-taking to speak between the two. The man in the tie replies, "I'm not sure what happened he just vanished." Now reveling to the audience they are looking for someone creating suspense ad excitment.

The man on the bench retaliates, "So if the guy dosen't complete his assignment you have no fuckin' idea where he is?" This says a great deal about the characters personality to the audience with the word, 'fuckin' suggesting to the audience he seems tough, brutal and in control. The camera cuts back to a medium side-shot of the man in the tie. The man on the bench replies "This is unaceptable..." the camera then quickly cuts back an extreme close-up of the mans lips saying calmy, " you understand?" This would make the audience tense but excited as the rhtorical question he retaliates with sounds threatning. The camera then cuts back to the man in the tie with a side-shot, turning into a medium shot and eventually a close-up and side-shot, when he walks as he walks towards the camera and says, "I understand I'm gunna' make it right." The man quickly says back, "I have said i'm over-skyed all over my ass, I'm meeting with the director tonight. The last thing I need is-" The main in the tie walks away from the camera creating a medium shot.

The camera rapidly cuts to a establishing shot of the man walking away from the bench as the camera follows him, the tense dramatic, beaty non-diagetic music starts to play again. " - a failed assignment by a rookie agent who has-" The camera now cuts to a low close-up of the same man's feet walking on the pavement. This connotes to the audience that he looks dominant big and strong, because of his long strides and how low the camera movement is following him. " - dissapeared and hasn't followed orders he is your man - he is your responsability-" The non-diagetic starts to get louder as the camera slowly pans up toreveal the back of the man in full shot. The music getting louder will start to create tension for the audience. (One thing I have noticed with thrillers is they slowly revile parts of the story to the audience.) "- find him and fix it." The camera then cuts a close up to the man with the tie, compostioned to the right replying, "Yes sir, I will." as he walks out of view of the camera.

The camera cuts again to a extreme close up of the other man getting in a black car. The colour 'black' to the audience suggest terror, fear and uncertainty. With a medium shot of the car driving out of view of the camera.

The camera then cuts to loud, rock band beaty music has the sioulette/animated titles role. First showing a black background then with red (which seems a main element of colour in thriller films) curvy swerves, swerving all accross the screen. As the camera starts to pan down showing the different production companies who made it; the actors, (The red swerves continue to have compostion around the edge of the screen as it follows the camera) then a rock song starts to play about fighting and death. (Possibly a good element to repersent action and excitment.) The red colour now becomes white compitioned around the edge of the camera. With three red silouttes of identical men on the screen each been take out by a golden bullet (no soud is heard by any of these shots) revieling the title in urban white font, "The Hit List" The camera then pans extremly quickly in a diaogonal blurred fashion to more actors names, with smaller red identical silouttes of men in the bckground.

The white swerves have now gone. It shows an actors name with a golden pistol making the name dissapear as it goes through it by the side. The camera pans slowly to a red siloutte with a white ring around it, it then gets shot at again with a golden pistol. The lens still pans around going showing extreme close-ups behind one of them. It continues to show actors names in urban font compostioned to the left with a red silouette on the right with a white ring around him, perhaps meaning it's been targeted. A golden bullet shoots him down. A golden bullet then flashes through the centre of the camera reveling more actors names as the silouettes lower off the screen.

For a second there is just a black background when the camera pans slowly up. Then the camera becomes slightly jaggered and shaky as outlines of dead people's bodys get compostioned all over the camera; with a extreme close up of blood been splattered all over the screen. This makes gives the audience an impression of what there going to see in the film, for example blood and violence. This similar cinematography carries on for a while.A black swirl comes into the centre of the screen changing from guns to knifes, weapons. Creating suspense and excitment. It also shows more actors names in compostioned in the centre as the camera pans closer into the swirl giving the audience the impression they are in the film about to enter somewhere.

The titles do carry on for much longer but I just wanted to give an overall view of the fist five minutes of a typical pyschological modern day thriller.

Genre research

The reason why we choose to make a thriller movie as our main genre is because this particular type of genre can have a variety of moods on our audience for example uncertainty, suspense, and a sense of terror. This will make it a good film because it will engage the audiences attention from start to finish.

I have also noticed that most thriller films use cliffhangers such as 'The Italian Job' to have this gripping effect also. Another clever method of using restrictive narrative on the viewers and having fight or chase scenes is also common in this type of genre, another example is the Jason Bourne trilogy.

Some of the main sub genres of this genre include crime (Ocean's 11), paranoid(Klute 1971), supernatural (The Skeleton Key), erotic (Eye's Wide Shut), legal, (The Runaway Jury) political (Seven Days in May 1962) and psychological thriller (Shutter Island) with tension and excitment being the main elements of the film. Which we hope to base our production on. Common on our pyschological thriller would hope to contain elements such as, stalking, paranoia, false accusation and some action.

We hope to keep our audience on the edge of thier seats as most thrillers do as it builds towards a dramatic climax, with the main threat being un-seen or abstract. The main character in thrillers is mainly in a unknowing dangerous situation. Much like the 'Saw' trilogy.

A 'prototype' of the first ever thriller genre first came in the film 'Homer's Odyssey'

The earliest account of a thriller film came in as a silent movie, 'The lodger' (1926) by Alfred Handcock and early British suspense thrillers 'The Man who Knew Too Much' (1934) with sub genres of romance, chase and spy. Eventually creating the first pyschological thriller in 1941, Suspicion.

Looking at more prsent thrillers such as, 'The Last House on the Left' (2009)and 'Eden Lake' (2008) do borrow these similiar ideas however we seem to have more terror, brutallity, gore and a mixed horror genre. Also the action in thrillers have gotten more extreme in the past ten years such as 'Unknown' (2011)

Noteable Directors for mastering the thriller genre include:
Tony Scott (Unstoppable 2010)
Christopher Nolan (Inception 2010)
Steven Allan Spielberg (Close Encounters of the Third Kind 1977)

Finally the lighting in thriller films tends to be dark throughout the majority of the feature to create a tense, heart pounding mood for the audience. With the vast amount having extra non-diagetic material and a complicated narrative to keep the audience guessing.

"By definition, if a thriller doesn't thrill, it's not doing its job" - James Patterson (2006.)

Likewise to our upcoming film.

Poster Research

With our main genre being thriller and a sub genre of some action.

I have looked at some ideas of film posters on youtube for our own, I have analysed the following:

The characters give a very cold, dark scary glare, looking straight down the camera lens giving the impression to the audience that the film is going to be tense and frightful, we would wish to create the same effect for our own.

The graphology of the poster uses very dark colours including, dark blue; red, with connotes blood, terror to the audience and extreme use of a intense dark black colour. This allows the audience to use there own imaginations because you don't know whats lurking in the dark, it could be anything. It also gives connotations of fear and suspense. We wish to utilise this in our own production.

The composition of the characters on the poster seem mainly central to show the overall mis-en-scense of the film.

In the film poster 'phone booth' the title is in a lighter bolder blue font, suggesting the genre of action. This seems a clever idea of mixing two elements of action and thriller together.

Every film poster I have noticed has a quick tense tagline to give a clue of what the plot of the film is going to be.

They have a release date the distribution company's name and credentials to the production team, directors and actors for example.

Choice of film

We decided to choose the second idea involving books. However, we need to develop this idea and aim to think of a more goal orientated cause-effect film to go with the thriller genre. It will be developed into either a psychological or crime thriller.

Genre research

The chosen genre for our film is thriller.

source from

Films that are thrillers are known to promote excitement, tension and other similar emotions such as anxiety, heightened expectation and uncertainty.

They are strictly defined, a thriller is a film that relentlessly pursues a single-minded goal, which keeps the audience gripped and in suspense as the plot builds towards a climax. Tension is usually arisen when the main character is put in a menacing situation, or mystery. Life is usually threatened, often because the protagonist is unknowing or unsuspecting of being in a dangerous situation.

Thrillers are often hybrids of another type of genre. I.e. action/adventure thriller, sci-fi thriller, western thriller, crime thriller and film-noir thriller.

Thrillers have developed greatly since the 1920s. These were helped shaped by English director Alfred Hitchcock. In the 1950s Hitchcock added technicolour to his films. The 1970s-1980s saw a more violent beginning to the thriller genre.

Modern thrillers are now mostly psychological that usually deals with obsession, domestic violence, revenge, mentally ill characters and the protagonist's goal to escape.

Documentary Idea

What causes student to fall asleep in class?

This documentary is run through a non-Linear order to make it simply and explicitly presented for the audience. With an objective narrative throughout.

Shows an ordinary schoolboy called john at 16 year olds currently studying for his GCSE's

Shows john in a medium shot with fun, bouncy music thats non-diagetic material, in the background.
Narrator "This is john." John nods. "Hi John" he waves happily.

Throughout the documentary it shows John falling asleep in the exam and failing his GCSE's it then shows a flashback of what to do and not to pass the exam for example shows John partying till late but gets thrown out at a certain time and gets lots of sleep.

Seems a funny, simple little documentary which will appeal to students of all ages.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Film brief: Idea 2 draft 1

A socially detached man becomes increasingly obsessive with serial killers and books about non fictional and fictional killers. He talks about things in great detail to work colleagues about things which are irrelevant to the conversation i.e. serial killers, books, music
He starts to kill people by re-enacting methods in which he reads about in the books.
However, he believes he is going to be caught anyway and confesses to a colleague. After this confession, the colleague believes he is joking and says something that doesn't make sense to the murders i.e. says that he saw that person after the said murder happened.
In the end, the main character reveals that there is no catharsis and nothing to be learned and there is no punishment for him, implying that these murders did not occur.

Film idea 2

My second idea for our thriller film is

A Quick Death Wish

The film shows a subjective narrative however this will be in a linear chronological order throughout. Also the narrative will also be restrictive to create suspense and shock, making it more engaging.

The setting is based in Venice Italy

Where Mr. Hames our main bad guy is sat in the backseat of his limo when in a sudden shock a bullet fly's through his window narrowly missing his head. The car swerves and comes to a stop. The one who fired the bullet from a rooftop was Zakolou Hatchi, a gangster war is on!

On the way back home to Zakolou's hideout he trips on a wire releasing the trap of some sharp daggers which come swinging towards him, he ducks just in time.

Zakolou sends Hames a letter telling him to meet him at midnight for a showdown. The ending shows
them in slow motion with different camera effects showing tension they both draw there guns and shoot at the same time.
They are both dead, the camera fades to darkness.

Film brief: Idea 1 draft 1

A man suffers from an accident which prevents him from continuing his job and is therefore made redundant. However, he feels he has been treated unfairly as he is not paid any package or given a new role.
A new character appears to be a consultant, who says he can help the man get his life back on track. Though the man finds the whole situation confusing, they become friends.
However, he soon realises the difference in personality and the consultant reveals his violent, psychopathic ways through murder and attacks.
The main character attempts to escape the consultant guy, but realises he can't and cannot understand why. The man tries to shoot the consultant, but this has no effect. He soon realises that this consultant is not a real person and just part of his imagination and realises it was actually him who attacked and killed those people.

The genre of this film would be a psychological thriller, as it keeps the audience in suspense and do not fully understand what happens until the end of the film.

Film idea

Matrick Power: Shoot to Kill

Secret Top Agent: Matrick Power

Top secret Agent Matrick power, works for top secret agency STK (shoot to kill) agency is currently on a secret mission to destroy the evil agency Tajii, a terroist group, with an explosive bomb. He detonates the bomb and runs away in slow motion.

Titles role, Roles along floor to the centre of the camera and shoots. Blood effect runs down the screen.

Jack Blazer sends Mat off on his next mission, to take out Jason Bold an extreme dangerous man who must be shot down killing past victims.

She gives him the gadgets of extreme speed accelerator for his spy car and advanced steering control ball, with his X100 gun.

He says bye to his wife Amy and sets off. Showing fast paced driving eventually arriving at the hideout over a few days.

He spy’s on Jason in a room soon unveiling his wife being tortured, he charges in fights and gets knocked out. He wakes up tied and extremely dizzy. He sees his wife close to death but manages to undo the knots but shoots his wife with his gun instead. Whilst laughing Mat runs up and in kick knocks Jason Mortified.

Mortified and depressed back home Mat has a flashback reviling it him (Jason who killed past victims has a split personality and shows they needed to replace matt with a new identity to protect there top secret agency.) the end sees him looking at a rope then the scene blacks out.

This was my first idea for our a2 media film however i saw this has too long and complicated to do in five minutes however I would like to incorporate the idea of the first part at some time in our film.

"Top secret Agent Matrick power, works for top secret agency STK (shoot to kill) agency is currently on a secret mission to destroy the evil agency Tajii, a terroist group, with an explosive bomb. He detonates the bomb and runs away in slow motion.

Titles role, Roles along floor to the centre of the camera and shoots. Blood effect runs down the screen."

However this may never be the case and not come to production. The ending of my film I have tried to put the twist in the end of my idea but yet again, it's just an idea.

The genre of our film that we have decided take into production is mainly a thriller with some action. The narrative will run linear throughout and in a temporal order. It will also be restrictive narration making everything explicitly presented. With extra non diagetic material for example, music.