Tuesday 6 December 2011

Radio Transcript Update

This is our Radio Transcript for our radio advertisement we feel with the competition prize at the end and with the right music, sound effects and dialogue behind this it will promote our film really well and create interest; especially by promoting a competition prize.

We will decide which sound effects and dialogue to use when we finish filming our film.

Credit Ideas


I'm sorry to say that this embedding of this video has been disabled therefore I couldn't place the video on this post.

Looking back our Audience Research some people compared our films plot and identity to the likes of 'Saw' so I have decided to look at the credits in one of the films to give us some idea on how to produce our own.

They have Headings such as:
Executive Producers
The Actors name starring in the film
Director of Photography

These are the main credits we wish to put in ours and may add more or less respectively.

Monday 5 December 2011

Didn't go exactly to Plan...

Looking at our footage in Andrew and Maria's home of the climax in our film on Final Cut Express...

Unfortunately due to some shots being out of focus and in some shots of our footage, the light being quite dark and the composition of some shots out of place...... we will perhaps have to find a different location to film at at a later date. However some shots worked really well such as the low angle shot of Maria Francis looking down the stairs.

Footage - Saturday 3rd December

After looking at our film, we realised that the lighting is too low key which means we will have to shoot again and probably have to find a new location due to the darkness of the rooms we used. Also, a few shots were out of focus and would have to be re-shot.

Here is some of the footage that went well. However, the lighting on one of the shots doesn't match the rest and is too red/orange.

Filming 3rd December

We managed to begin our filming last Saturday, however due to it becoming dark and losing the natural light we had to stop the filming. We aimed to film on Sunday, however it was raining and cloudy so it was too wet and too dark to continue filming. We will have a look at the footage we have got, but it might not look right because the lighting in the house was quite poor in some places. If this is the case, we will have to look at a new location to shoot the climax of our film.

Character Profiles Updates

Name: Laura May
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Occupation: N/A

Laura may was also murdered by Andrew just for speaking to him on the street telling him to get out of the way because she was in a rush to work. his shows Andrew's health now extremely unstable and dangerous. His random killing spree of woman has begun. He murders her down the alleyway at the side of the citrus room.


Name: Katie Smith
Age: 17
Occupation: Student
- The second girl to be killed in the film by Maria, though is shown through Andrew's perspective as if he's killed her. This is to show that Andrew Francis mental health is getting worse and now killing random woman for no reason. She's also a student at Barnsley College. She is killed on her way home from college. She is a hardworking student.


Name: Jenna Mansfield
Gender: Female

Age: 20

Occupation: Office Clerk

This woman worked with Andrew but in a higher role in her occupation. She is now dead, due to Andrew's jealousy and hatred of her role. She constantly mocked his life calling him worthless making him feel as though he has no significance in his life. All of this mocking led to Andrew's mental health problems and his first killing in the alleyway near the alhambra.


Name: Laura May
Laura is the first girl to be killed in the film at the Alhambra gunnel though it seems that Andrew kills her it was actually Maria who killed her. She was not killed for any particular reason, only to make her husband believe he killed her. Laura is a student who is on her way home from work when she is murdered.

Age: 18
Occupation: Waitress


Thursday 1 December 2011


Andrew Francis - The main character of the film. He believes he is a serial killer and writes what he believes in a diary. However, this is not the case and is secretly being drugged by his wife. He is mentally unstable, but does not realise this. He is being manipulated by his wife, eventually she kills him. He is quite poor and lives in an old house which is in a bad state i.e. old torn carpet, old furniture etc.

Age: 31
Occupation: Works in an office taking phone calls
Maria Francis - Maria is the wife of Andrew, she is actually the serial killer but allows her husband to believe he is the killer, it also gives her a perfect alibi if it ever comes back to her. She isn't happy with the way of her life and has resorted to murder to fill a void. She is no longer in love with her husband and drugs him which makes him unstable and confused and makes him believe he is committing the murders. She has become sociopathic and kills her husband in the end. She earns much more money than her husband as a successful counsellor, however does not spend her money on upgrading the house, as she plans to eventually leave.

Age: 29
Occupation: Counsellor
Laura May - Laura is the first girl to be killed in the film, though it is implied that Andrew kills her you do not clearly see the figure and it was actually Maria who killed her. She was not killed for any particular reason, only for Maria's satisfaction and amusement of making her husband believe he killed her. Laura is a young student who is on her way home from work when she is killed, she studies at Barnsley college and lives with her parents Linda and Frank May. She saves her money for going out on a weekend and going to music gigs.

Age: 18
Occupation: Student and part time waitress

Katie Smith - Katie is the second girl to be killed in the film by Maria, though is shown through Andrew's perspective as if he's killed her. She's also a student at Barnsley College studying A-Levels. She is killed on her way home from college after staying late. She is a hardworking student and hopes to study Law at University. She enjoys going to the cinema and plays the piano.

Age: 17
Occupation: Student

Filming - calendar

I put the filming date and what we need for filming on Google Calendar, this gives me a quick checklist so I do not forget anything which would be disastrous.

This is the schedule for filming on Saturday 3rd of December. This reminds me of when to film and gives the information for people who are involved with this date to know when to come.

These are the details of the even, this gives a checklist of what we need and the date and time for other people to know where to go and what time to be there for. It allows Lewis to know where to go as he has never been there before.

Radio Advertisement Script First draft

This is our script for our radio advertisement 'Killing Between The Lines' I have used the tool Celtx to produce this and the sub section 'Audio play'
By creating our own radio advertisement we will be able to build a tense atmosphere that fills our audience listening with deep emotion and engaging them to see our film.

I have listened to some radio advertisements to get some idea of the tense music and dialogue within them. I have also started writing some ideas down for our own. This is just a small, breif draft.

The film 'Pretty Violence' was the short film we made for our AS short film.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Treatment amendments - final final one

Programme: Killing between the lines
Duration: 5minutes

Audience: Those interested in a psychological/crime thrillers and also suitable for those who enjoy films with neo-noir aspects. Rated 15 due to imitable violent behaviour though mostly implied violence.
Anyone above this age may find this enjoyable, though a student audience may find it most appealing.

Resume: Andrew Francis is an unstable man he believes that his wife, Maria Francis, is unaware of him being a serial killer. He writes the accounts of the murders in his diary and narrates the film. There are flashbacks of murders of girls whilst he is writing in a diary and narrating them. The first killing in the film shows outside a tunnel where it seems he is following the girl and kills her with a brick. The second killing is where it seems he's following a girl down a ginnel and kills her with by repeatedly beating her then walking away after the murder has taken place. He returns home and gets a drink from the fridge, after he takes a drink he pauses and suddenly he drops the can, it then cuts to Maria writing in the diary, then it cuts back to Andrew turning his head. It cuts back to Maria who is flicking through the pages in the diary and then back to Andrew looking around to reveal Maria aiming a gun at him. It cuts back to Maria now writing in the diary just like Andrew did before then it goes back to Andrew who's been shot in the head, he drops the can as before and sinks to the ground dead. There's a flashback of Maria putting pills in Andrew's drink to show she's been drugging him and giving it to him. The film ends with Maria putting the diary back on a shelf with subjective narration this time in her voice implying she was the killer all along.

Suggested elements:

a) Sin City-like neo-noir effects for flashbacks

b) Narration

c) Colour filters

d) Unexpected twist

e) Sound effects

Viral marketing research

An idea for viral marketing we would present an advert for a book in an innovative way. As The Dark Knight released in 2008 had a very successful and original marketing campaign it would be something we would be influenced by.

The Dark Knight based their viral marketing on the fake election of Harvey Dent which is part of the film, following the tagline of The Joker 'Why so serious?' through the website http://whysoserious.com/.
Homepage to whysoserious.com

This original viral campaign involved images of Harvey Dent's campaign for election which were vandalised. 

This is an image of Harvey Dent's campaign for DA which has been defaced to look similar to The Joker's appearance and says "I believe in Harvey Dent too". This allowed fans to get involved and many posed as The Joker/as the Joker's henchman and competing in scavenger hunts. 

Image of vandalised newspaper article mocking Batman implied to have been done by Joker or his henchmen. 

Here is an overview of the viral campaign.

This could influence us to set up something similar to do with our film and make it seem like a real thing like the political election for the Dark Knight film. We would also base our film on a tagline, our tagline is 'Oblivious to everything' as it is a memorable part of the film which is repeated twice in our film for effect, similarly to the Batman's tagline 'Why so serious?'.

Monday 28 November 2011

Final script (we promise)

This is the final final final change to our script. It has been changed due to the amendments made to the ending of the film. This ending makes the twist to our film much more effective.

Reconstruction of Ending

1.) When Andrew picks up the can of Cherry aide there is a shot of his legs turning around and the can of pop falls to the floor and spills out with no sound!

2.) It then cuts to the study base with Maria Francis reading the diary.

3.) It goes back to Andrew with a shot of his face turning around.

4.) Cuts back to the study base of her still reading the diary, flicking the pages

5.) Cuts back to a POV shot of Andrew turning to face Maria with the gun in her hand

6.) Cuts back to maria writing in the diary

7.) Cuts back to the sound effect of the gun shot showing Andrew dropping his can and then falls to the ground.

8.) Shows Andrew on the ground, dead.

9.) Shows a flashback of Maria putting pills in Andrew's drink and giving it to Andrew in the living room.

10.) Cuts back to the study base of Maria putting the book away on the shelf. With a voice over of her saying, "My stupid husband... 'Oblivious to everything.'


These are the amendments of the ending of our film, we both feel that this gives a more effective and dramatic ending to the film and creates much more suspense than the previous twist which is ideal for a film of the thriller genre. We chose to end the film with the tagline 'Oblivious to everything' this is because we plan to build our marketing campaign to this tagline, similarly to The Dark Knights' 'Why so serious?' tagline. This will also allow the audience to realise why we have emphasised the tagline so much as it refers to her husband being oblivious to the fact it is actually her wife committing the murders rather than Andrew.

Shooting day 3 - Update


Andrew Francis Kitchen
Study Base



Andrew Francis
Maria Francis


Canned Drink
Study Base Props Table, PC etc (We haven't decided what we are going to use to make the room look like an office until we start filming)

Andrew Francis (Casual clothes)
Maria Francis (Smart Casual clothes)
*To show a reversal of power


Camera Shots

Shooting day 2 Update (Eastgate)

Because we have scrapped the bathroom killing scene.


Study Room
Eastgate Alleyway


Study base Props - (Generally Desk, PC, Books etc.) Anything that makes it look like a study base.


Clothes for Andrew Francis (smart casual clothes)
Laura May (Casual clothes)


Camera Shots
Establishing shot of Eastgate street
Angle shot of girl walking
Close up of girl
Medium close up of turning into ginnel
Establish shot of ginnel
Medium close up of girl (side)
Close up of girl ( side angle)
Medium shot behind girl
Close up of hand on shoulder
Close up of girl turning around
Medium close up of girl turning around
Medium close up of hitting the girl (figure is off shot and can only see the hands)
Close up of the girl
Medium close up
Close up camera movement upwards
Long shot of figure
Medium close up of kicking
Close up of kicking
Long shot of figure
Medium shot of girl
Close up of the girl with camera movement

Sorry, no filming today...

Due to not being able to get an actress needed for our filming the scene today we are going to reschedule this. We may film the Study room/kitchen scene until we find the actresses needed for the scenes where the girls are murdered, as we already have the actors sorted for this part of the film.

Unfortunately, we could not get an actress for our film

Shooting Day 1 - Update

Scene 1- Study Base and alleyway killing


Study base Props - (Generally Desk, PC, Books etc.) Anything that makes it look like a study base.


Andrew Francis
Jenna Mansfield

Camera Shots

Medium shot (Panning of the room)
Establishing shot (shows Andrew at a desk)
Angled shot of Andrew at desk
Close up of diary
Close up Andrew
Angled shot of Andrew
Close up diary
Close up Andrew
Medium shot angle (writing in diary)
Close up of diary
Close up of Andrew
Medium shot of Andrew at desk
Close up of diary
Close up of Andrew

Establish shot (girl walking towards tunnel)
Angled medium shot (girl)
Close up behind the girl turning around)
Medium shot of girl (turns around)
Angle medium shot
Medium shot of girl
Medium close up of brick being raised
Close up of brick being raised (camera movement)
Medium close up of girl
Close up of brick


Clothes for Andrew Francis (smart casual clothes)
Jenna Mansfield (Casual clothes)

Thursday 24 November 2011

Shooting day - Eastgate street

Monday 28th November we plan to start shooting, however this remains to be seen as the weather forecast isn't too promising. After researching the weather forecast, it seems there is a chance of rain.
We plan to film in our lesson between 10:50 and 12:20, but I can run through past dinner as I don't have a lesson after dinner giving me the opportunity to film up to 3pm.

Equipment/props/costume needed

Video camera (Sony HDV500)
Andrew Francis/Maria - black coat, jeans/trousers
Girl - Casual wear (no real preference)
Script and shooting script for the scene

New Idea for our Film

In the kitchen killing scene we are going to have Andrew Francis get out a can of the fridge but we could make it a can of cherry aide. Therefore due to the colour of the drink being red this could represent the colour of blood. So we don't have to use fake blood and shooting the killing in perhaps a black and white filter will make this an iconic part of the film. I feel as though this will look really effective and have a big impact on our audience.

Shooting script

Here is the list of shots we will need for the overall film. These may be altered depending on how well the shot works with the film, but here is a list of what we aim to adhere to.

Shooting day 1.

Location: Study room

Shots needed:

First scene

Medium shot (Panning of the room)
Establishing shot (shows Andrew at a desk)
Angled shot of Andrew at desk
Close up of diary
Close up Andrew
Angled shot of Andrew
Close up diary
Close up Andrew
Medium shot angle (writing in diary)
Close up of diary
Close up of Andrew
Medium shot of Andrew at desk
Close up of diary
Close up of Andrew

Title sequence

Final scene - Maria

Location: Kitchen/outside house

Shots needed:

Establishing shot of Andrew walking to the house
Medium side shot of Andrew
Close up of putting keys in the door
Medium close up of his back
close up of opening door
Medium close up of opening the door
Reverse of door opening - medium close up
(with camera movement as Andrew walks past)
Medium close up


Shooting day 2.

Location: Alhambra

Shots needed:
Establish shot (girl walking towards tunnel)
Angled medium shot (girl)
Close up behind the girl turning around)
Medium shot of girl (turns around)
Angle medium shot
Medium shot of girl
Medium close up of brick being raised
Close up of brick being raised (camera movement)
Medium close up of girl
Close up of brick


Shooting day 3.

Location: Ginnel, East Gate street

Shots needed:

Establishing shot of Eastgate street
Angle shot of girl walking
Close up of girl
Medium close up of turning into ginnel
Establish shot of ginnel
Medium close up of girl (side)
Close up of girl ( side angle)
Medium shot behind girl
Close up of hand on shoulder
Close up of girl turning around
Medium close up of girl turning around
Medium close up of hitting the girl (figure is off shot and can only see the hands)
Close up of the girl
Medium close up
Close up camera movement upwards
Long shot of figure
Medium close up of kicking
Close up of kicking
Long shot of figure
Medium shot of girl
Close up of the girl with camera movement

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Final shot list

This is the final shot list in order of what they will appear in the film:

1. Medium shot (Panning of the room)
2. Establishing shot (shows Andrew at a desk)
3. Angled shot of Andrew at desk
4. Close up of diary
5. Close up Andrew
6. Angled shot of Andrew
7. Close up diary
8. Close up Andrew
9. Establish shot (girl walking towards tunnel)
10. Angled medium shot (girl)
11. Medium shot angle (writing in diary)
12. Close up of diary
13. Close up of Andrew
14. Angled medium shot (girl)
15. Close up behind the girl turning around)
16. Medium shot of girl (turns around)
17. Angle medium shot
18. Medium shot of Andrew at desk
19. Close up of diary
20. Close up of Andrew
21. Medium shot of girl
22. Medium close up of brick being raised
23. Close up of brick being raised (camera movement)
24. Medium close up of girl
25. Close up of brick

26. Establishing shot of Eastgate street
27. Angle shot of girl walking
28. Close up of girl
29. Medium close up of turning into ginnel
30. Establish shot of ginnel
31. Medium close up of girl (side)
32. Close up of girl ( side angle)
33. Medium shot behind girl
34. Close up of hand on shoulder
35. Close up of girl turning around
36. Medium close up of girl turning around
37. Medium close up of hitting the girl (figure is off shot and can only see the hands)
38. Close up of the girl
39. Medium close up
40. Close up camera movement upwards
41. Long shot of figure
42. Medium close up of kicking
43. Close up of kicking
44. Long shot of figure
45. Medium shot of girl
46. Close up of the girl with camera movement

47. Establishing shot of outside of house
48. Medium shot panning
49. Medium close up

Monday 21 November 2011

Competition Prize Idea

This could be a perfect way to promote our film because it will get our film company name out to the public. They will get the chance to win a prize within our budget and create interest.

We could announce the competition in our radio advert because millions of people listen to it and we will get two promotional techniques for the price of one.

They could text the answer because its the quickest and easiest approach for the public, making it nice and simple for them to enter.

The Question is as follows:

What name is the independent film company that produced 'Killing Between the Lines?'

A: Psych Films
B: Bike Fims
C: Maniac Films

The reason for this is to get the key concepts of what we wanted out to the public:
1.) The films name
2.) Our film Company name
This will hopefully get the public to notice our name.

Making the question easy is simple, because if we made it difficult no-one will enter it and get less interest! Once they send their answer in to our company by texting 'A, B or C' to a 'real' number we will select one lucky winner at random.

The prize giveaway will be a Brand new Kindle curtesy of Amazon for £89 with a £10 free voucher to buy the books of their choice. Because our film is related to the theme of books. We feel as though this prize is a good incentive to enter the competition and makes them interested in films, including more of ours in the future.

Ways we are going to Promote our film

Promoting our independent film 'Killing Between the Lines' is going to be one of the most important parts in the entire production. Trying to make our promotion low and as no costing as possible. I don't wish for us to outsource our film to a marketing and distributing company because no one will have more enthusiasm and passion to sell our film to our audience than US!

Different ideas to promote our film

Social Media - Such as Facebook. Twitter will help promote our film if we get positive feedback from celebrities.
Video Marketing
Email Marketing
Integrated Partnerships (Such as working with different businesses) E.g.: McDonalds however due to our film's genre of a psychological thriller I can't vision any toys being inside an happy meal.
Billboards in big cities Eg.: Manchester

We will defiantly want to use Facebook because it has approximately 800 million therefore if we use mouth-to-mouth communication this could spread quickly and become an overnight success.

We would love to get an integrated Partnerships however realistically this will be difficult to accomplish, therefore eye-catching billboards, posters and a radio advert will all give a wide variety to target our audience.

I would like to do something big and different to promote our film to make it stand out such as perhaps, making a toy, or a competition prize however this may be out of our depth and due to time constraints and not enough people working in our group this might not be produced.

However, you never know....

Thursday 17 November 2011

E-mail to our distribution Company

I have decided to e-mail dogwoof to politely ask them if they see potential in our film and if they would be interested in distributing our film in the real world.

Hopefully we will get a positive repsonse. Fingers crossed!

Tuesday 15 November 2011

And the winner is...

After reviewing numerous distribution companies we decided that dogwoof was the best choice. Dogwoof would enable us to use innovative marketing to promote our film and distribute it in numerous ways. It would give us the opportunity to fund and show our film on a global scale which makes it the far better choice than the other companies.
Dogwoof gives opportunity for niche films and does not concentrate on the mainstream. This allows our film to be given the chance to succeed and be shown to a variety audience.

This is a trailer of the film Blood in the Mobile which is currently distributed in cinemas by dogwoof. This is a documentary about the connection between mobile phones and the civil war in Congo.

This is the trailer to Gasland, a film that goes a long way into spreading public awareness about gas drilling and the risks it poses on human and environmental health.

Thank you dogwoof, we are looking forward to be working with you.

Possible distributors

Before we make the decision to entrust our film with a company, we though background research would be essential to enable us to make the right decision.


Dogwoof is a UK distributor that releases films nationwide through theatrical, DVD, mobile, TV and online platforms. Dogwoof back 'their releases with major marketing campaigns'.

With the ability to distribute our film with a variety of methods, as well as the popular Itunes, makes Dogwoof a strong contender and they are a company we are very interested in.

UK film Council

UK film council is a distribution company funded by the National Lottery. It gives support to new filmmakers and gets a wider choice of films to audiences throughout the UK.
UK Film Council has £15million a year to invest across the development, production and completion of feature films.

This interests our company as it helps fund emerging talent, however it does not offer the same marketing benefits as Dogwoof.

Entertainment Film distributors

Entertainment film distributors distributes in DVD rental, theatrical and retail fields as well as licensing a substantial catalogue in both Pay-TV and Free-TV sectors.

Though it would give us the opportunity to show our film on the 'big screen', we decided that our film is not as well suited to cinema and rather to be shown on the internet and retailed on Itunes. Also, other companies offer funding and provide much better advertising. Therefore Entertainment film distributor does not make the cut.

Other considered companies:
Launching Films
Independent cinema office