Monday 23 January 2012


Sorry for not updating our blog for a while, we have been busy filming but heres the update...

We have started filming our title opening sequence in Andrew Francis's office. However we set some of the filming accidentally to Digital video rather than 1080i so we are going to re-film that today.

For the killing of one our films we have had to change the location of the Alhambra due to too many people coming into the shot. We have had to use a male victim because we wern't able to get a female actor, at the time.


Name: James Jones
Age: 19
Occupation: Receptionist
Gender: Male

James Jones works at a reception in the Barnsley Library. He currently lives alone in a flat on the outskirts of town. He is a bit of a loner and therefore he walks much by himself alone. He gets attacked and killed by Andrew whilst walking through the park on his way to work. He is seen by people as a bit of a nerd but he is clearly bright.

Sci-Fi Films (Star Wars)

Going to parties
Being the centre of Attention
Slapstick Comedy

We have started filming the Alleyway killing scene and very soon we will be filming the kitchen killing scene for the climax of our film. We have also been editing our film so far, on Final Cut Express

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