Thursday 26 January 2012

Film poster research

This is the poster for the film The Machinist. In the middle is an image of the main character who is looking away from the centre showing that he's looking at something, there is shadowing on one side of his face which indicate that not all is what it seems. Furthermore, there are images in front of the character with an opacity which further indicates that not everything is clear cut and suggests that the character isn't fully aware of what is happening in the film. The character has a serious expression to show that something serious is happening and definitely indicates it isn't a 'happy' film. The tag at the top 'How can you wake up from a nightmare if you're not asleep?' shows that the character is probably suffering from sleep deprivation and possibly reveals that bad things happen to him. 
The poster uses dark colours which fits in with the thriller genre, showing that it is in itself a dark film. 
The red font of the actors name provides a clear contrast to the darkness of the poster. It is in capitals to stand out. 
The title is the biggest font and in capitals to stand out, the white contrasts to the rest of the poster and is eye catching therefore clear to viewers what the title is. 

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