Tuesday 4 October 2011

Radio Ideas

I know that sometime during our coursework we are going to produce a radio advert to advertise our upcoming 'Working title' film. Therefore I have started to come up with some ideas of the type of 'Key Elements' we are going to need to sell our film to our wide audience:

1) Most radio advertisements have a voiceover narration giving the audience an idea of
the plot.
2) The music behind this narration is usually tense making the audience feel tense whilst listening.
3) It gives positive feedback from expertise review companies. eg, '5 star' 'Tensest film in 2011'
4) It gives 'highlight' quotes from the actual film that create mystery for the audience.
5) It tells the audience the name of the film and release date mostly at the end of the advertisement.

I would like to include some elements of this in our own and possibly listen to some examples closer to the time.

Also possibly distributing the advert near primetime as this is when our audience is most likely to pay and watch our film.
Finally I would like to pay and advertise our advert on a big radio station such as, 'Capital FM' and 'BBC RADIO 1 ' as this is a wide range of stations that the whole UK listen to.

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