Monday 17 October 2011

Credit and Title sequence Analysis

I am going to research a short film and a film; looking at how the credits and title sequence are visually presented to the audience, examine cinematography and mise-en-scence.

The 'Fly Tonight' sequence shows images really with many close-up shots, everything seems to be in the audiences face making them look at a certain object.

It shows the characters outlined in the film.

However this title sequence uses a colour filter throughout what we may in our opening sequence but these titles seem too bright and in your face for the type of genre in our film.

One thing i do like in this title sequence is the editing effect of a bright quick flash effect (flash edit) in changing the different visuals and camera shots.

Whereas the opening title sequence of' 'Se7en' would suit our film genre more, we both agree this opening title sequence is a massive influence on creating our own due to the cinematography it uses.

I like how the credits appear on the screen in small white font and slightly gets brighter. This would give our film the right theme for our genre. It makes it feel quite tense and because the font is small it makes it feel quite tense and the colour white lets the titles stand out brightly to the audience.
Cutting through extreme close-ups throughout the sequence gives it a quick jagged effect and gets the audience confused wondering if any of the props shown have any significance.

Also because our film is based on the theme of books we would like the focus on our title sequence to be based on the prop of the diary we are going to use.

Such examples would be in this title sequence of 'Se7en' like the pen writing on the paper and the page been turned over.
It will let the audience know what the film is going to be based on giving them an insight to the rest of the film. This is great cinematography that we could incoporate into Killing Between the Lines.

The non-diagetic sound used is rather beaty but stern; the sound we use for our opening titles will be very important to us as we would like to give our audience a similiar feel, to make them tense but excited setting the tone straight away.

This opening title sequence also uses a flash edit and red filter in parts. This coonoates to the audience there will be blood and death in the film. These are techniques we will wish to use, analysing this title sequence has really helped me.

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