Monday 10 October 2011

Camera Shots

The film will start with the camera having a Medium Side Shot of Andrew; as the camera Pans round him to a -
Tilted Close-up Shot of the camera looking up at Andrew writing in his diary; in his study room.
The camera Cuts to a Medium Shot of Andrew writing in his diary.
We then create A Shot-reverse shot between these two as Andrew narrates the part of the story.
The camera then moves slowly towards the diary as a quick flash of white light; with a sound effect of lightning, moves to our next filming location.

The camera pans round our location near the alhambra centre. Until the camera stops panning when it spots Jenna and Zooms slightly towards her, giving the impression that Andrew was searching for her.
The camera Cuts to a Low-angle Medium shot of Jenna walking then with Quick-fast paced Cuts of Extreme-Close Ups of Jenna looking scared and Close up shots of Andrews feet walking. The camera then stays in a Still Composition as Jenna walks around into the alleyway.
It now Cuts to a close-up of Andrew's hand with the pen in his hand shaking.
Then Cuts to a Extreme Close-up of Andrew's eyes.

This is a draft of our first scene which we will look to develop, possibly even changing a few shots later.

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