Thursday 19 April 2012

Lewis Brookes: Evaluation Question Two


2. How effective is the combination of your main product and the ancillary texts?

Different ancillary texts should take time and great detail to produce as these are vital to promote our film in many ways. After having a written idea for our film and what we wanted to represent and convey to our audience made this an important media concept.

Once we had completed our film, I researched many posters of similar storyline and ones that looked like they would fit into our genre such as, The last house on the left, The decent and Se7en.

After analysing these different posters, I used my experience from ones I have seen in the past we used our creativity and unique ideas to create our own.

We believe the poster we created greatly complements the film and is effective in a dark and sinister way. This gives a strong contribution to the films overall promotion. The main character Andrew Francis is sat writing in his diary giving dark sinister look. This suggests to the audience he is the main character with a dark, mysterious personality. With Andrew being placed within the centre of the poster it suggests that his character needs to be the main focus for the audience, playing a large part in the film.  The bubble effect around Andrew connotes his unpleasant thoughts and emotions when he is writing in the diary. 

We chose the background colour of the poster as a simple and effective dark black. This suggests the genre of our film to be a thriller that is tense dark and fill of suspense. We made the title big and bold so the audience quickly knows what the films called. We made the word ‘Killing’ the colour red for two reasons:

11)    Because the colour red suggests blood, violence and death. And…
2 2)     The word ‘Killing’ is a pun on the word writing, showing a twist to the audience on what is happening within the storyline.
Therefore it makes the audience aware on what they will be watching by still keeping the suspense and mystery elements.  We also gave the certificate of the film to confirm the seriousness of the violence in the film. We also included the actors in the film and directors with our company logo to get our film in the public eye.

Our poster was created to catch the audience’s attention by giving them little glimpses of excitement without giving the storyline away and I believe our poster does this by creating dark mystery.

We then started to create the radio trailer which was fun and easy to make using Garage band. We wanted our radio trailer much like a film trailer to have important moments within our film to give the audience a little taster, without giving the story away. To achieve this we gave some voice-over narration from 

the production and many sound effects like the punching and the gunshot. This will let the 
audience know someone has been killed but creates mystery as to who. Also we added new eerie music giving the audience a sense that the film will be a tense thriller. 
I also voiced-over additional information that wasn’t given in the film poster such the release date of the film and what various other media concepts said about our film such as The Guardian giving our film 5*. This would have hopefully targeted a wider audience to see our film to a different class of people who may not be interested in psychological thrillers.

Looking at the three different types of media we created shows our diverse creativity to target a wider audience. We were dedicated to make the public see our film through these advertising techniques. Finally both ancillary texts compliment the film perfectly by giving the audience the genre and intriguing points of the production, without relieving too much of the storyline.

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