Wednesday 7 March 2012

Houston we have a problem...

After filming the scene where Maria reads and writes in the diary, we initially thought that was the whole filming over and we could focus on the editing and putting in music, voice recording and sound effects to finally finish our short film. However, this is not the case. After looking into final cut express, we realised that even with the non included title sequences and credits we were way under the five minute mark. This led me to think of a new scene...

Even with the voice overs, there was still a key part missing that we hadn't realised earlier and that was the actual development of the character Andrew. Unfortunately we have very little time to film so we are focusing it into one longer scene and we have to work efficiently.

My idea is to have him go into work, I decided that he is going to be a journalist (the career I wish to choose also) I have the advantage of already written an article as English coursework and can use this on the computer screen to show his occupation.

This scene will show little obsessions such as lining up pencils perfectly etc and frustrated and angry when a colleague (played by Jordan Cockles) interrupts him whilst he's working and messes up his lined up pencils. As it's the same character that his killed in the park it gives a motive for Andrew to kill him (although it isn't actually Andrew killing him) rather than just a random killing. I'll devise a script and storyboard and worry about posting it later.
I'm also using the character that was killed in the park played by Jordan Cockles.

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