Monday 27 February 2012

Similar aspects from Black Swan....

After watching the film black swan for my own leisure last night, this gave me good inspiration on how to produce our own film. This too is a psychological thriller with strong suspense music and tense lighting effects. The camera  movement and shots; the mise-en-scence in the film such as drink, sickness, beautiful cinematography on the stage; makes this a really powerful movie through dance.

The shot at 7 seconds is a really powerful shot to the audience watching....just admire it.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Search for music

An important part of the film is sound effects and of course the non diegetic music. Good use of music gives a whole new dimension to the film.

This is from the end of the film The Prestige, it uses a piano and in a low key at a slow tempo and becomes faster at the end as it shows the building on fire. This works well with this film as it makes it more dramatic and builds up, however it wouldn't work for the majority of our film apart from the end where Andrew is dead and Maria is writing in the diary.
For the end of the film the music should be slower and low key and during the action parts where there is faster editing quicker tempo music and higher key.

In modern comedy films i.e. American Pie series and The Hangover, they tend to use either rock or pop songs which often have a fast tempo. They are usually popular songs which is obviously unavailable to our film and would not match the genre. We would be looking for slower tempo music in low key and gets faster and higher key in certain situations i.e. killings and the kitchen scene where Maria has the gun.

Searching for music....

In our search for different types of music we can use for 'Killing Between the lines' we obviously want something tense and powerful to make our audience be on the edge of their seats.... Not like this;

But like this;

Other examples include:

We could use this when Andrew Francis is following one of his victims. As Andrew Francis gets closer to his pray the music gets faster with a louder tone for the climax.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Radio trailer

Radio trailer for 'Superman the movie'. this radio trailer uses sound from within the film and the theme music. It also quotes reviews and mentions the age certificate of the film.
In our radio trailer we may incorporate sound from our own film i.e. the narration and perhaps the gun shot.

Tuesday 7 February 2012


As a moment of inspirational genius my media teacher suggested I take over most of the editing of the footage and really take charge of what parts we need to re-film due to the lighting and what looks good and how to use cross-cutting effectively to bring a strong, tense outcome!

Thursday 2 February 2012


We shall be continue filming the beginning scene in Andrew's study office and updating the shots that went wrong which we accidentally filmed in DV. We will continue editing the thurnscoe seems to be going on forever...c'mon lets get motivated!!!...ughhh..

Silly face smiley